TRiCYCLE Changelog: Changes from 0.2.6 to 0.2.8 - Various improvements to Sheffield reader/writer - Fixes to handling of Bescancon 'comma' year handling - Added support for overriding language of interface - Fixed crashing cause by MVC library - Added FHX2 writer - Added 'data only' variant of Tucson file writer - Added check for stray characters in Heidelberg format - Intercept 'Weiserjahre' values from Corina/Tellervo in Heidelberg, Tucson and Bescancon writers - Improved metadata handling in Tucson reader - Added basic support for optional 'type' column in Tucson reader - Implemented KINSYS reader - Implemented 'consolidation' routine for merging TRiDaS entities with the same title - Added ability to enter files as a semi-colon delimited list to help with converting many files as once - Added recursive reading of files in Corina reader so that file references are followed - Fixed issues with Corina 'sum' support - Fixed writing of relatively dated series in Bescancon writer - Added support for arbitrary comment lines in Heidelberg reader (same as TSAP-Win) - Changed Heidelberg reader to default to 'dated' when the dating type is not specified (same as TSAP-Win) - Added optional EOF indicator to Bescancon output - Fixed handling of zero width rings in middle of sequence for Heidelberg reader - Fixed problem with TER field in Bescancon writer - Handle Byte Order Mark (BOM) at beginning of text files. This fixes problems when reading Tucson files written by MeasureJ2X - Fixed comment handling in Heidelberg reader - Fixed DateOfSampling month offset in Heidelberg reader - Improved natural language parsing of dates from Heidelberg metadata fields - Fixed error in interpreting the end year when reading from TRIMS files - Added Danish translation - Added Cracow-reader support - Fixed bug for detecting missing ring values in Tucson format - Auto select file filter in browse dialog depending on the format specified in the main file list window - Fixed bug in calculating DateEnd in Heidelberg writer - Implemented 'stacked' and 'unstacked' Heidelberg writing - Improved logic for naming output files when they contain multiple series - Warn and skip if writing a file with just metadata and no data values - Handle blank lines in Heidelberg reader Changes from 0.2.5 to 0.2.6 - Updated translations for Dutch, Spanish and French - Added ability to force files to be read as single project or object - Altered file selection GUI to cope with above - Added genericField containing original filename. Useful for DCCD/TRiDaBASE users - Fixed bug in BC year handling in Tucson writer - Fixed handling of undated series in WinDendro reader - Added handling for byte order markers at the beginning of XML files Changes from 0.2.4 to 0.2.5 - Added Keycode naming convention. - Implementation of support for Coordinate Reference Systems (see documentation) including: - Added support for reading and projecting UK Grid coordinates into WGS84 lat/long for Sheffield format files. - Added support for projecting coordinates to WGS84 in TRiDaS file reader. Coordinates from national grids are therefore standardised to WGS84 longitude/latitudes. - Added warnings when reading coordinates from legacy formats that they are assumed to be using the WGS84 coordinate reference system. - Handles coordinate axis order correctly according to the EPSG CRS registry - Updated Oxford, Sheffield, VFormat and Heidelberg writers to use the new coordinate projection handling routines - Writes TRiDaS files using srsName EPSG:4326 rather than full URN. This provides temporary support for TRiDaBASE users until TRiDaBASE is upgraded - Support reading of comments from Heidelberg files - Added missing 999 terminator to TRIMS file output - Fixed erroneous start year when writing multiple TRIMS files from a single input file Changes from 0.2.3 to 0.2.4 - Added coordinate reference system to TRiDaS output files - Remember last folder used in file dialog boxes - Remember last input/export format used - Improved support for extracting metadata from Heidelberg files - Added support for TSAP-DOS subtype of Heidelberg files - Added support for reading Heidelberg ring remarks in Single, Double and Quad files - Fixed NullPointerException in Sheffield writer - Fixed NullPointerException in CATRAS writer - Improved 'About' dialog - Added natural language parsing of date/time strings in Heidelberg reader - Changed handling of keycodes in Heidelberg and Tucson writers - Improved interpretation of 'woodCompleteness' fields when reading Heidelberg files - Better integration for Mac so application performs more like native Mac apps Changes from 0.2.2 to 0.2.3 - Fixed Heidelberg output problem where all data was being written as 5 padded chars (like QUAD format) instead of 6 padded chars. - Added CATRAS writer support - Updated CATRAS reader to include support for metadata fields that were previously unclear. - Added two new file naming conventions - Implemented support for default naming conventions for each format writer. - Switched writers to use 'identifier' style links for chronologies rather than 'idref'. IDRef will be deprecated in TRiDaS soon. Changes from 0.2.1 to 0.2.2 - Fixed error in handling BC dates in Tucson reader - Fixed problem with VFormat writer - Added missing library dependency to Maven pom.xml - Tidied code removing all Eclipse warnings - Fixed error in Heidelberg writer when all series are of an unrepresentable variable - Fixed Corina reader to handle files with empty 2nd line Changes from 0.2.0 to 0.2.1: - Add automatic check for available updates. - Added Help > Identify file format feature for when you have a file in an unknown format. - Various updates to the documentation - Bug fix for drag and drop adding of files on Windows - Updated translations - Warning dialog when reading spreadsheet files - Fixed identifier bug in Tucson writer - Fixed last year bug in Tucson writer - Fixed logging bugs - Added file format filter to file dialog - Altered spreadsheet readers/writers to handle and report units as 'unknown' rather than force mm - Support added for reading: - CSV - DendroDB - MS Excel 97/XP/2000 - MS Excel 2007 - ODF Spreadsheet - Oxford - Support added for writing: - MS Excel 2007 - ODF Spreadsheet - Oxford